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Work in Progress



Intimate Touch is a 19-minute romantic drama-comedy that takes place at and around River Restaurant, on Eriksberg, in Göteborg. The story revolves around a business dinner between a Syrian refugee and a Swedish Journalist. In addition to being a recent arrival Adnan is a deeply believing muslim while for her part, Ingrid is a well-known writer and political activist, with strong feminist values.  The formal purpose of their meeting is to discuss evidence obtained by Adnan which may bolster Ingrid’s public argument that a culture of toxic masculinity, not jihadism, is to blame for a recent terrorist attack, and others like it. But their deeper motive — and the focus of the drama — is a once-in-a-lifetime romantic attraction, and desire for a future together, that has each of them bargaining with their own moral convictions-See more at: https://fosforproduktion.se/the-intimate-touch and https://theintimatetouchfilm.com/


Every year during the month of June, police officer Mimmi and nature guard Håkan patrol Sweden’s windiest place, the valley of Stekenjokk. Eggs thieves ravages in the area where rare bird eggs are laid during the breeding season. Thousands of eggs have been stolen over the years and sold between collectors, a skein of crime that has now been unfolded. The poaching has threatened several species to be extinct. Just this period, spring never seems to arrive at Stekenjokk and the birds have their toughest years so far. The place is incredibly important for the birds, but also for Håkan who lives for the nature and wildlife, despite the fact that his worn down body, which he received after a career as world champion in arm wrestling, makes the work difficult for him. A documentary film about the place, the conversations that appears along the winding road that crosses the valley and the strange situation where the birds are constantly threatened and where everyone is a suspect.-See more at: https://fosforproduktion.se/stekenjokk


At the beginning of time, giants created the mountains and deep forests that surround the small town of Ydre. It’s now one of Sweden’s smallest municipality, and has a population of just a few thousand, which is carefully looked after by the friendly and idealistic mayor. He is ready with gifts and big smiles every time a child is born and he can note that Ydre has a new inhabitant. In the meantime, youths and elderly people are working and living their lives. It’s a cinematic film about responsibility, love for the community and sense of belonging told with an anchored humor about ordinary enlightened moments of everyday on-going life. Creation myths, fables and everyday realism are mixed with understated comedy in an atmospheric and moving film – See more at: giantsandthemorningafter.com


A new, overwhelming era is approaching from the sidelines. The boundaries between what is real and unreal are becoming increasingly blurred through technological advances. How will we hold up in an era where humans are being replaced with robots, and the real world is almost perfectly simulated in digital realities? Is there a limit for what can be replaced? Autonomous is an intense, emotional look into a future that is already here – See more at: https://autonomous.fosforproduktion.se


The ore must be mined for the community to survive – and the community must be torn down for the ore to be mined. Everyone in Swedish Malmberget is waiting for the hammer to drop and the community to crumble. We meet people who live around the edges of the mine and observe huge contrasts between the “little guy” and the giant grinding machinery. The state-owned mining company LKAB continues to make huge profits while criticism mounts and the community grows increasingly desperate watching its buildings disappear bit by bit. Is it possible to rebel against the hand that feeds you? What’s it like to live in a community that’s about to go up in a puff of smoke? With a tragicomic undertone, the film portrays the uncertainty and fear coupled with the ever-present warmth and humour of these troubled people – See more at: https://malmberget.fosforproduktion.se


It’s a beautiful summer day. A stressed-out mother is stuck indoors in a phone queue while her daughters are outdoors letting their imaginations carry them away in play and dance. Animals and greenery are the only audience. Life is what happens while we’re busy making other plans. “Please hold.” – See more at:https://disconnected.fosforproduktion.se



Fosfor Produktion is owned and managed by the company’s founder, Malla Grapengiesser who’s main position in the company is as producer. Fosfor Produktion is an independent production company based in Stockholm and created autumn 2012. Malla Grapengiesser was former producer and CEO at Hysteria Film.

Produktion produces mainly documentaries for television and cinema for distribution worldwide. The ambition is to produce documentaries with a strong artistic vision that explores our time and the world around us from a humanistic viewpoint always with warmth and a mite of humor. Thereto establishing strong partnership with filmworkers, production companies and distribution companies according to this vision.



Among previuos productions were Malla has been either producer or co-producer are: SEARCHING FOR SUGERMAN documentary, 90 min by Malik Bendjelloul, CO-PRODUCER – 2012, BORTKOPPLAD (DISCONNECTED) shortfilm, 7 min, Directed by Anna Duell, 2011, SO LONG MARIANNE, feature pilot 7 min, Directed by Ylva Forner, PRODUCER -2009 BEAUTY REFUGEE, documentary, 58 min, Directed by Claudia Lisboa, PRODUCER – 2009 TID UR LED, (TIME OUT OF PLACE) shortfilm, 13 min, Directed by Ylva Forner, PRODUCER – 2008 HJÄRTRUD, feature, 28 min, Directed by Eva Brise, PRODUCER – 2006 REA PÅ NJURE (IRANIAN KIDNEY BARGAIN SALE), documentary, 52 min, Directed by Nima Sarvestani, PRODUCER – 2006 LEDAS LÄNGTAN (THE LONGING AV LEDA), shortfilm, 10 min, Directed by Karin Wegsjö, PRODUCER – 2005 BORTGLÖMDA (FORGOTTEN), documentary, 88 min, Directed by Agnieszka Lukasiak, CO-PRODUCER – 2004 MY AMERICAN FAMILY, documentary, 82 min, Directed by Jerzy Sladkowski, CO-PRODUCER – 2003 STOCKHOLM-75, documentary, Directed by David Aronowitsch, RESEARCHER- 2002 SOTALAPSET/FINSKA KRIGSBARNEN (WAR CHILDREN) documentary, 58 min, Directed by Erja Dammert, RESEARCHER – 2002 GÖMD (HIDDEN), animated documentary, 8 min, Directed by David Aronowitsch & Hanna Heilborn, PROMOTION – 2001 VISIONEN VISTET, documentary, 58 min, DiIRECTOR and PRODUCER  Malla Grapengiesser




Malla Grapengiesser
Fosfor Produktion AB

Sevedsplan 11E
214 45 Malmö
cell:+ 46 735 69 62 31


© Fosfor Produktion 2020